Trade and invest in top markets
Manage all of your financial assets, long and short term, in one portfolio
Our story & achievements
How it Works
Buy Crypto easy & without all the fuss.
Link your bank account and have your bitcoin in minutes. It’s super easy & fast.
- Global Exchange Rates
- Make payments with Bank Transfer
- Instant Transaction
Invest in stocks
With 0% commission
From technology to healthcare, New York to Hong Kong — with fractional shares, it’s easy to fill your portfolio with a variety of leading stocks from the world’s top exchanges. Invest in stocks without paying a commission and without limits on trading volume.
Discover opportunities
With commodities
Take advantage of exciting opportunities in the world’s top resource markets. With one-click trading, flexible leverage, and deep liquidity, trading commodity allows you to choose an investment amount without being limited to units, such as a whole barrel of oil or an ounce of gold.
Go long or short
On currencies
Trade on the largest, most active financial market in the world — the foreign currency exchange, also known as FX. Buy and sell a wide variety of major USD pairs and other currency crosses, with up to 1:30 leverage (or up to 1:400 as a Professional Client) to gain greater exposure with less capital.
with ETFs
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) allow investors a flexible yet comprehensive way of investing in the financial markets at a low-cost entry point and without management fees — making them ideal for portfolio diversification. BUX Financial Services Limited offers both investing in ETFs as the underlying asset, as well as trading them as CFDs.
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